Post-Election Effects 2016: Media, Research, Resources, Events

December 01, 2016

By The Sociology Department 

Dear Sociology Community,

The impact that the results of this presidential election campaign has made on our research and curriculum is tremendous. Many faculty, graduate and undergraduate students see this election and its aftermath as an opportunity to generate new research questions and revisit existing understandings of pressing social issues such as political consciousness, social identities, economic insecurity and various forms of social vulnerability, and difference as a basis of social inequality. 

More important than ever, now is the time to use the critical skills of our field to identify collaborative strategies with which to address some of our most pressing concerns. With these research opportunities we aim to develop critical frameworks, concepts, and approaches to guide our teaching, learning and acting in the face of some of the major social events of our time.

As a department we continually encourage faculty and students to gather and discuss, reflect and support each other both inside the classroom and in research collaborations.

We invite you to add any items to our compilation Post-Election Effects 2016: Media, Research, Resources, Events. Alternatively, you can forward information or materials to Department Assistant Colleen Massengale (


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