Declaration of Major or Minor

Campus Declaration Deadlines 2023-24

  • Fall Quarter: October 27
  • Winter Quarter: February 9
  • Spring Quarter: April 26

Students who enter UCSC as frosh are required to be formally declared in a major before enrolling in their third year (or equivalent). Transfer students must declare their major during their second quarter at UCSC. Each quarter has a declaration deadline by which the major or minor must be declared. Please review the courses required for major qualification our Majors page.

Students should submit a petition to declare as soon as they complete the major qualification courses or reach their declaration deadline quarter, whichever comes first. 

If you have reached your declaration deadline quarter, but have not passed the SOCY major qualification courses yet, please complete the Petition for Major/Minor through the MyUCSC eForms. We will follow up with you within seven business days with next steps. In these cases, the department may select one of these options: (1) approve declaration; (2) deny declaration; (3) provide condition of declaration that must be resolved within at most one more quarter.  

I am declaring...


Declare the Sociology BA or the Sociology BA with GISES Intensive Concentration

Step 1: Complete the Petition for Major/Minor eForm in MyUCSC

Log in to MyUCSC and click on the Undergraduate Student eForms tile > then Petition for Major/Minor. Complete and submit the form.

If you're already logged in to MyUCSC you can also use this direct link to the Petition for Major/Minor eForm

Step 2: Email Confirmation and Next Steps

If you have met all the major qualification course requirements, we will declare your major and send you an email confirmation and directions for any next steps you must take (if applicable). The email confirmation will be an autogenerated confirmation from MyUCSC:

Possible Next Steps:

  • If You Are Declaring a Single Major in Sociology - Though not required, you may create an academic plan for the major. Please refer to the directions if you are interested.
  • If You Are Declaring a Double Major or Major/Minor, and Sociology is the First Major You Are Declaring - An academic plan must be on file before you declare a second program. We encourage you to follow the directions as soon as possible to prepare for your second program.
  • If You Are Already Declared in Another Major, and You Are Now Adding Sociology - An updated Academic Planning Form, signed off by your first major, must be on file in Google Drive (like this one) before your declaration is processed for Sociology. If you have not done this with your first major yet, or the one you did is out-of-date, please meet with your first major advisor to create/update the plan.


 Declare the GISES Minor

Step 1: Pass SOCY 30A with a C or better or "Pass" and be enrolled in SOCY 107A.

Step 2: Declare your major first and have an updated Academic Planning Form on file. The Academic Planning Form (like this one) must be signed off by your major advisor and on file in Google Drive before your minor declaration is processed. If you have not done this with your major yet, or the one you did is out-of-date, please meet with your major advisor to create/update the plan.

Step 3: Fill out the declaration form through MyUCSC

Log in to MyUCSC and click on the Undergraduate Student eForms tile > then Petition for Major/Minor. If you're already logged in to MyUCSC you can also use this direct link Petition for Major/Minor via MyUCSC


Declare the Combined LALS/SOCY Major

 The Combined LALS/SOCY major is sponsored by the LALS department. Declaration and academic planning is completed through the LALS department. Please review the LALS declaration requirements.

See Also