A Sociology PhD student, Claudia Lopez, has received the 2016-17 Andrew W. Mellon Foundation John E. Sawyer Seminar Graduate Student Fellowship on non-citizenship from UC Santa Cruz’s Chicano Latino Research Center.
Claudia is a Ph.D. candidate in Sociology, with Designated Emphases in Feminist Studies and Latin and Latina/o Studies at UC Santa Cruz. Her dissertation explores urban resettlement of rural internally displaced persons in Medellín, Colombia. She is also interested in gender, forced migration, development, urban studies, and human rights.
As a graduate fellow, Claudia will be working on a series of events during the 2016-17 school year as part of Non-citizenship. The seminars will discuss topics ranging from citizenship to global migration. Learn more about the seminar at http://news.ucsc.edu/2015/07/non-citizenship.html.