On November 3, 2021 UC Santa Cruz hosted its sixth annual Giving Day campaign, a 24-hour online fundraising event.
Sociology@UCSantaCruz raised money to support our students and their continued work in challenging dominant norms and structures through established scholarships.
Together, we raised $1556! We could not have done this without YOU! Thank you, for your commitment to UC Santa Cruz and public sociology!
Thank you to everyone who made contributions and for spreading the word to your networks.
Sociology Department - General
Your gift to the general fund helps Sociology@UCSantaCruz researchers take scholarly leaps into the dynamics of social action: agency and governance, politics and mediation, identity and difference, social justice and ethics, democracy and sustainability, technologies and environment, affect and politics.
Fanny Carruthers Award
Your gift will support one or more awards to be made annually, based on financial need and academic merit, to undergraduate or graduate sociology students who graduated from Santa Clara County high schools.
Dr. Francesca Guerra Undergraduate Research Scholarship
This award provides support for undergraduate sociology student researchers in honor of the memory of Dr. Francesca Guerra. The award is intended to provide stipends to support fieldwork travel and research.
Jessica Roy Memorial Award
This award provides funding for one or more graduate students within any department who pursues studies focusing on the equitable distribution of natural resources in international development, especially as that equity applies to women. The award, which is based on academic merit, is intended to provide stipends to support fieldwork travel and research.
Sociology of Race, Class, and Gender Endowment
This endowment funds two annual awards based on academic merit. For undergraduates, the Sociology of Race, Class, and Gender Senior Thesis Award is for sociology majors writing a thesis on race, class, and gender. For graduate students, is the Clark Dearborn Roby and Marianna Gilman Roby Sociology Ph.D. Dissertation Award to recognize sociology Ph.D. candidates contributing to social science and the public’s understanding of race, class, and gender within the United States.
Thank you for your support!