Congratulations to Sociology@UCSantaCruz Undergraduate Program Coordinator Tina Cossaboom for being a co-recipient of the Social Sciences Division’s Outstanding Staff Award, a major and highly deserved recognition. In their deliberations, the committee considered the breadth of nominations, the quality of service, the impact the staff member has had on their unit, and the years of service to the division and the University.
According to the committee, Tina was selected “due to her advising efforts, which go ‘over and beyond’ to ensure students graduate on time. In an effort to continually improve advising, Tina single-handedly created a peer mentoring program now finishing its third year. This program has proven very effective, both for the department’s undergraduate students, and also the peer mentors themselves – who gain valuable experience in counseling and working with a wide range of students. As one colleague indicated on the nomination form, ‘her success in advising students so well stems from the fact that she maintains a vast amount of knowledge, is extremely organized, is an excellent communicator, and is generous of spirit.’ “
An administrative employee who is exceptionally knowledgeable about policy, highly efficient in their sizable workload, and who also has a gentle touch and the ability to connect with people is a rare individual indeed, and it is truly a testament to TIna Cossaboom that as UCSC continues to face various challenges (in no area more than academic advising), one of the largest majors at the university continues to flourish.
Please join us when we honor Tina and other award winners at the division's annual Fall Breakfast on Thursday, October 11, 2018.