Emeriti Faculty

Marcia Millman
  • Title
    • Professor, Emerita
  • Division Social Sciences Division
  • Department
    • Sociology Department
  • Phone
    831-459-3516 (messages), 831-459-4431 (office)
  • Email
  • Fax
  • Office Location
    • Rachel Carson College, 336
  • Mail Stop Rachel Carson College Faculty Services
  • Mailing Address
    • 1156 High Street
    • Santa Cruz CA 95064

Summary of Expertise

Social Psychology, Emotions; Field Research; The Family; Medical Sociology;

Research Interests

Social Psychology, Sociology of Emotions, Field Research Methods, Social Interaction, The Family, Medical Sociology

Biography, Education and Training

B.A., Ph.D., Brandeis University

Selected Publications

  • 2004 The Perfect Sister: What Draws Us Together, What Breaks Us Apart (Harcourt, Inc: New York). Also published in Dutch and Australian book editions.
  • 2001 The Seven Stories of Love: how to choose your happy ending (Morrow/Harper Collins: New York). Also published in eight foreign book editions: Italian, Spanish, German, Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Taiwan (Mandarin), Brazilian (2001 – 2004)
  • 1991 Warm Hearts and Cold Cash: The Intimate Dynamics of Families and Money (The Free Press: New York).
  • 1980 Such A Pretty Face: Being Fat in America ( W. W. Norton & Co: New York).
  • 1978 The Unkindest Cut: Life in the Backrooms of Medicine (Morrow, New York)