Sociology Graduate Students

Rosa Maria Navarro
  • Title
    • PhD Student
  • Division Social Sciences Division
  • Department
    • Sociology Department
  • Email
  • Website
  • Mail Stop Rachel Carson College Faculty Services

Research Interests

My dissertation project is currently looking at the growth of the H2-A guestworker program in the Pacific Northwest and its impacts on local farmworker communities. 


My research interests broadly include labor, migration, and its intersections with race, class, and gender. I have previously done research on mestizaje and critical whiteness studies in Mexico.

Biography, Education and Training

I am a first-generation Latinx PhD student born and raised in rural Oregon to farmworker immigrant parents from Mexico. I have a BA from Portland State University in History, an MA in International Human Rights Law from the American University in Cairo, and an MA in Sociology from the University at Albany, SUNY, and an MA in Sociology from UC Santa Cruz.